Python Curl

Ever had to speak to an OAuth 2.0 protected resource for debuggingpurposes? curl is a nice tool, but it totally lacks helpers for dealingwith oauth.

  1. Python Curl -h
  2. Running Curl In Python
  3. Python Curl Module

Best How To: Since call needs to pass an array of command line arguments, you can split the command line yourself and call like this: ( 'curl', '-v', '-H', 'X-Auth-User: myaccount:me', '-H', 'X-Auth-Key: secretpassword', ', shell=False). Posted by just now. Hi Guys, I'm trying to convert a cURL to python but having some difficulties printing out the data. Just wondered if someone could point me in the right direction please. PycURL is a Python interface to libcurl, the multiprotocol file transfer library. Similarly to the urllib Python module, PycURL can be used to fetch objects identified by a URL from a Python program. Beyond simple fetches however PycURL exposes most of the functionality of libcurl, including. Project: Paradrop Author: ParadropLabs File: License: Apache License 2.0. 1) Open the network tab in DevTools. 2) Ctrl-click a request, 'Copy as cURL'. 3) Paste it in the curl command box.

Python Curl -h

curlish comes for the rescue. It is able to remember access tokens foryou and inject it into requests. Facebook comes preconfigured so you canstart using it right away.

How it Looks¶


Curlish is a small script written in Python without any furtherdependencies but things that are shipped with Python 2.7. If you arerunning an older Python version you will need to install simplejson.

Quick installation:

This will download the current version of curlish and put it into~/.bin. Make sure to have that path on your searchpath.

Basic Usage¶

Out of the box curlish forwards all arguments but the ones that are usedto control curlish to the curl executable. The result from curl isprocessed and nicely colorized if your terminal supports that. Also we’rereindenting JSON for you so that it’s more readable.

To get more out of it you need to register a site with it. This will makecurl understand OAuth for a specific API. By default we already havefacebook preconfigured for you.

Just use curlish as if it was curl and enjoy.


To add a site you can either use --add-siteNAME or just edit the~/.ftcurlish.json file. You will find that it looks something likethis:

These values are all copy/pasted from the application configuration pageon Facebook. Adjust that to whatever website you want to talk to. Someimportant keys and values:


The type of the grant that the API supports. The default isauthorization_code which means that a browser based flow is used.This is the most common one. For some services you can switch to apassword grant which means that we will prompt you for usernameand password and exchange that information for a authorization token.

Note that very few services support password based logins.

You can also set the grant to null in which case the OAuthfeatures are disabled. This makes it useful if you want to speakto APIs protected with other schemes. In that case only theextra_headers and base_url parameters are really used.

That’s a dictionary of extra headers that are sent with all HTTPrequests to the service. You can use this to use a customauthorization headers or similar things.
Sent with the authorization request. For instance you can set thescope for the token with that.
The base URL. We will automatically enable this site for you for allrequests that start with this base URL. It’s also the base URL foraccess_token_url and authorize_url if those are not absolute.
Python curl -d
The authorization URL for the authorization_code flow.
The client ID from the application configuration.
Python Curl
The client secret from the application configuration.
The URL where the token can be managed.

Browser Based Flow¶

Curlish by default opens an HTTP server on thathandles exactly one request which is the response from the authorizationdialog. If you need to register an application make sure the redirectURI is If you can’t use that port forwhatever reason you can change it in the config.

Clearing Tokens¶

Running Curl In Python

Because detecting stale tokens is specific for each individual servicewe’re not attempting to detect expired tokens. As such if you get anotification that a token is expired from the API you need to remove itfrom the token cache:

If you don’t specify the site it will remove all cached tokens.

Common Curl Arguments¶

Enables verbose mode
Prints response headers
specifies the HTTP method instead of automatically picking it. Forknown HTTP methods you can also leave off the -X prefix as acurlish specific feature.
Emits a request header with a specific value.
Emits a pair of form data.
Python Curl

Curl Extension Arguments¶

In addition to the curl arguments, curlish supports a few other ones asshortcuts for common tasks:

Sends a JSON string value as key to some object. If the key is emptythe whole body of the JSON transmission will just be that stringvalue. The key can be in dotted notation to construct objects. Seebelow.
Like -Jkey=value but the value part has to be a JSON object – noconversion to string takes place. You can use this to send integersand boolean values.
Sends a file as JSON body to the server.
Sends a JSON body where a key is loaded from a JSON file.
Sends an X-Requested-With:XMLHttpRequest header.
GET, POST, etc.
If it’s one of the common HTTP methods the -X prefix is implicit.
Enables simple cookie handling for this request. See Automatic Cookie Managementfor more information.
If curlish detects a JSONP response it will by default keep thewrapper function call around. If this is set it will appear as if itwas a regular JSON response.

Sending JSON Objects¶

Since we’re supporting dotted notation you can send complex JSON objectsand arrays. Basically the key is in dotted notation and the system figuresout the rest:

Results in this JSON data:

Automatic Cookie Management¶

Curlish also simplifies cookie handling compared to plain old curl. Ifyou pass --cookies to curlish it will create a file in~/.ftcurlish-cookies for each site which stores the cookies in plaintext. To delete those cookies again you can either delete that file byhand or pass --clear-cookies to curlish.

I am trying to execute a curl command within a python script.

If I do it in the terminal, it looks like this:

I’ve seen recommendations to use pycurl, but I couldn’t figure out how to apply it to mine.

I tried using:

and it works, but is there a better way?


Python Curl Module


I know, that’s the “answer” nobody wants. But if something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right, right?

Python Curl

This seeming like a good idea probably stems from a fairly wide misconception that shell commands such as curl are anything other than programs themselves.

So what you’re asking is “how do I run this other program, from within my program, just to make a measly little web request?”. That’s crazy, there’s got to be a better way right?

Uxio’s answer works, sure. But it hardly looks very Pythonic, does it? That’s a lot of work just for one little request. Python’s supposed to be about flying! Anyone writing that is probably wishing they just call‘d curl!

it works, but is there a better way?

Requests: HTTP for Humans

Things shouldn’t be this way. Not in Python.

Let’s GET this page:

That’s it, really! You then have the raw res.text, or res.json() output, the res.headers, etc. How to download music videos for free mac.

You can see the docs (linked above) for details of setting all the options, since I imagine OP has moved on by now, and you – the reader now – likely need different ones.

But, for example, it’s as simple as:

You can even use a nice Python dict to supply the query string in a GET request with params={}.

Simple and elegant. Keep calm, and fly on.


If you are not tweaking the curl command too much you can also go and call the curl command directly

Tags: curl, python, url