Winamp Archive

  1. Winamp Old Version Windows 7
  2. Winamp Classic Skin
  3. Ffmpeg Archive
  • Winamp Comments. Blog comments powered by Disqus. Top 5 Contributors sofiane 41,005 Points PKO17 16,000 Points safarisilver 13,345 Points alpha1 10,985 Points.
  • and associated web services will no longer be available past December 20, 2013. Additionally, Winamp Media players will no longer be available for download.
  • Winamp may seem to have to gone by the wayside in terms of technical advancement as a media player but this is not the case at all. Although it’s 21 years old it still commands a well-regarded fanbase and a big reason for this is the huge range of free and paid for plug-ins that are available.

Well, one of the best alternatives of Winamp is a slightly tweaked version of Winamp. In case you are unaware Winamp has made a comeback but under the umbrella of a different company. What started by Nullsoft in 1997 came to the hands of Radionomy in 2014 and now they have released a beta of Winamp with full compatibility on Windows 10, 8,.


This is the WWW Index for the Official Cthugha FTP archives. If your primary interestis in checking for updates and/or new releases of Cthugha, just bookmark this page; itwill only change if a new version of Cthugha has been released.

For more information Cthugha, check out the main page.

And you can jump directly into the Cthugha FTParchive and browse around. Be sure to read about the archive restrictions first (seebelow).

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This is a free service provided by NetMindand will not put you on any mailing lists for advertisements, offers, or otherjunk. You can check out the URL-MinderHomepage for details if you wish.

FTP Archive Restrictions

The Official Cthugha FTP archive is maintained on a non-for-profit system with manyusers, so there are strict limits enforced. No more than a maximum of 25anonymous FTP connections are allowed at one time for the entire site (which includesother material besides Cthugha, amazingly enough). If you get an error attempting toaccess anything in '' then chances are it's too busy. Youcan either wait a while and try again, or try a mirror site.

Thank you for your patience! :)

The most current versions of CTHUGHA released to the public are:

  • DOS & Windows 3.1 - Version 5.3 - As of 6/27/95
  • Windows95 - Beta Release 6 - As of 10/26/98
  • Linux - Version 1.3 - As of 10/26/98
  • MacOS - Version 1.0 - As of 5/13/97
  • XFree-DGA - Version 0.2 - As of 11/3/96
  • Java 1.1 - Version 0.1 - As of 12/17/97
  • WinAmp Plugin - Version 1.50 - As of 4/8/98

The packages available here are either for PC's (DOS/Windows 3.1, Win95, Linux), AppleMacintosh's (MacOS), or any Java-enabled platform (MacOS 8, some Unix platforms, anyJava-enabled web-browser for any platform).

Most of these packages are compressed using either PKZIP 2.04g or a ZIP-compatibleprogram. All .ZIP archives have been integrity tested and the contents virus scanned. TheMacintosh packages are BinHexed StuffIt archives, and have also been integrity checked andvirus scanned. The Linux packages are TAR archives compressed with GNUZip (good ol' gzip)and have been integrity checked. The Java package is uncompressed but has beenhand-inspected and run to verify it contains no malicious or dangerous code.

Absolutely none of these programs are guaranteed bug-free in any way! Some of them arestill very much in development.

Note! If you download an archive and find it is corrupted, contains a virus, oris in some other way defective, let me knowimmediately! I will attempt to verify and fix the problem as soon as I can. Thanks!

CTHUGHA 5.3 (PC - DOS/Windows 3.1)

(by Kevin 'Zaph' Burfitt)

Note that this version runs well on later versions of windows too.

Here are the currently available DOS Cthugha packages as of 6/28/95:

FilenameArchive Size
(In Kilobytes)
File Description
CTHUGHA 5.3[395k]The actual DOS Cthugha program and support files.
CTHUGHA 5.3 Source[180k]The C source code for the DOS Cthugha program.
CTHUGHA 5.3 Extras[986k]A collection of extra plug-ins and tools for use with
Cthugha. Optional

You can also get the DOS/Windows5.3 version of Cthugha at the FTP sites:

  • - The Official SimTel archive site
  • - Digital's mirror of the SimTel archive
  • - Wallnut Creek CDROM's mirror of the SimTel archive

Cthugha97 Beta6 (PC - Windows95)

(by Kevin 'Zaph' Burfitt)

(Please feel free to steal this icon for your own webpage to link to the Cthugha97 section of the archives)

NOTE! There is currently no source code available for Cthugha97.This is because it is an Alpha release.

Note: To use Cthugha97, you must have DirectX 3.0 installed!!You can get it from Microsoft's webpage, and it is included with many modern Windows95games. It is also now available from the Cthugha Archives (see the link below). If you getan error about 'DINPUT.DLL' missing, then suprise! you don't have DirectXinstalled (or it's not a complete install).

Note: You must have a 3DFX-based videocard to use the 3D version of Cthugha97. It simply will not run on any other type of videocard. For those with 3DFX-based cards, you musthave the Glide 2.3 drivers installed. You can download them from the 3DFX homepage. Complaintsabout the 3-D version not working will be pointedly ignored.

Here are the currently available Cthugha packages for Windows95 as of10/26/98:

FilenameArchive Size
(In Kilobytes)
File Description
Cthugha97 Beta 6[396k]Cthugha97 (Beta 6) - Non-3D and 3D version (EXE only)
[There are no data files in this archive! Grab previous release below]
Cthugha97 Alpha 5[205k]Cthugha97 (Alpha 5) - Non-3D version
Cthugha97 Alpha 5 with 3D[203k]Cthugha97 (Alpha 5) - 3D version
(requires a 3DFX video card and Glide 2.3 drivers)
Cthugha97 Source[0k]Not yet available, still in Alpha
Cthugha97 Map[58k]Extra color map files (for more color changing)
Cthugha97 PCX[179k]Extra PCX image files (for more cool images)
Cthugha97 TAB[335k]Extra TAB swirly files (for really cool swirly effects)
DirectX 3.0[4,359k]DirectX drivers for Windows95, must have for
Cthugha97 (ANY VERSION!) to work on your PC!

You can also get Cthugha97 from:

  • - Official development downloads page.
  • - Swedish mirror

CTHUGHA-L 1.3 (PC - Linux with SVGAlib)

(by Deischinger Harald)

As of version 0.9 the Cthugha-L program now support DGA for X displays, making it moreportable for other unix platforms. Adobe photoshop 2014 for mac.

Note: As of release 1.2, all the Cthugha-L packages are combined into onearchive (binary, source, and extras).

Here are the currently available Linux Cthugha packages as of 10/26/98:

FilenameArchive Size
(In Kilobytes)
File Description
Cthugha-L 1.3[1,021k]The entire Cthugha-L package, including source
code and 'extras' (additional images and
palette maps)
New TAB files[313k]Two additional TAB files for use with Cthugha-L
Linux TAB generator source[2k]The C source code for a Linux program to
create TAB files for use with Cthugha-L.

You can also get the latest Linuxversion of Cthugha at:

Winamp download archive

CTHUGHA-DGA 0.2 (Linux)

(by Mark Vojkovich)

This version of Cthugha is a Linux version that has been ported to use the Xfree-DGAlibraries for graphics. This means the code can be easily ported to other Unix platformssuch as FreeBSD. Currently, the sound code is still Linux-specific but the author expectsto adapt that as well.

Here are the currently available Cthugha-DGA packages as of 11/25/96:

FilenameArchive Size
(In Kilobytes)
File Description
Cthugha-DGA 0.2[166k]The Cthugha-DGA complete package
(including source)

1.0(Macs - MacOS 7.1 or higher)

(by Rus Maxham)

Note: This version is a 'FAT' binary, so it will run both onPowerPC-based Macintosh systems as well as the 68000-based Macintosh computers.

Here are the currently available Cthugha packages for Apple Macintoshcomputers as of 5/13/97:

FilenameArchive Size
(In Kilobytes)
File Description
MaCthugha 1.0[299k]MaCthugha Version 1.0
MaCthugha 1.0 Extensions[2,232k]Extra map and tab files for use with
MaCthugha 1.0
MaCthugha PCX Images[590k]PCX image files for use with MaCthugha
MaCthugha 1.0 Source[219k]C Source code for MaCthugha 1.0
Tab Generator Source[7k]Source code for Mac conversion of Cthugha
TAB generator

You can also get MaCthugha filesfrom:

JCthugha 0.1 (Multi-Platform)

(by Deischinger Harald)

Winamp Archive

NOTE! This updated version of JCthugha make use of Java 1.1 and thus will notwork in Netscape 3.x (or earlier) or in Internet Explorer! You may need to download eitherNetscape Navigator 4.x or the HotJava 1.1 browser.

Here are the currently available Cthugha files for Java-enabled computersystems as of 12/17/97:

FilenameArchive Size
(In Kilobytes)
File Description
JCthugha[3k]JCthugha Java Applet class (Java 1.1)
JCthugha Source[3k]Source code for JCthugha Java applet (Java 1.1)

Cthugha-4-WinAmp (PC - Windows95, WinAmp 1.6 or higher)

(by Krunoslav Pisaèiæ)

Winamp Old Version Windows 7

Note! This is not the official archive for the Cthugha-4-WinAmp plugin! I'veadded the plug-in to the archives, but you should check the official webpage listedbelow for the latest release, bug-reports, etc.

Here are the currently available Cthugha-for-WinAmp files as of 4/8/98:

FilenameArchive Size
(In Kilobytes)
File Description
Cthugha-4-Winamp[542k]WinAmp plugin port of Cthugha
tabgens source[6k]Source for TAB generation tool
Wintabs[25k]Additional TAB files and source

You can also get theCthugha-4-WinAmp plugin at the following sites:

  • - The OFFICIAL homepage for Cthugha-4-WinAmp!
  • - USA mirror of official homepage.
The Official CTHUGHA Home Page /

Pick a software downgrade to the version you love!

Winamp Latest Version

Winamp 5.622 Full

Nov 16, 2011
15.77 MB
Tested: Free from spyware, adware and viruses

Winamp Classic Skin

Winamp Popular Version

Winamp 2.95

Add info
2.36 MB
Tested: Free from spyware, adware and viruses

Select Version of Winamp to Download for FREE!

Software VersionRelease DateSize
Winamp 0.20 (zip)Apr 21, 199779.79 KB
Winamp 0.20Apr 21, 1997134.00 KB
Winamp 0.92Add info338.50 KB
Winamp 0.93bAdd info128.80 KB
Winamp 0.95May 15, 1997351.50 KB
Winamp 0.95.2Add info380.50 KB
Winamp 0.96d2Add info141.34 KB
Winamp 0.96bAdd info144.47 KB
Winamp 0.96Add info398.50 KB
Winamp 0.97 BetaAdd info284.50 KB
Winamp 0.97bAdd info150.73 KB
Winamp 0.98dAdd info151.82 KB
Winamp 0.99Jun 7, 1997293.00 KB
Winamp 0.952Add info133.50 KB
Winamp 1.00 (zip)Jun 7, 1997189.70 KB
Winamp 1.00Jun 7, 1997350.00 KB
Winamp 1.6 RC 2Nov 16, 1997241.17 KB
Winamp 1.6 RC 3Nov 23, 1997237.27 KB
Winamp 1.6 RC 4Dec 4, 1997238.81 KB
Winamp 1.6 RC 5Dec 6, 1997247.26 KB
Winamp 1.10Jul 15, 1997357.00 KB
Winamp 1.15Jul 22, 1997197.38 KB
Winamp 1.20 betaJul 27, 1997198.19 KB
Winamp 1.20 beta 2Jul 29, 1997201.39 KB
Winamp 1.20Jul 31, 1997386.00 KB
Winamp 1.40Sep 3, 1997218.00 KB
Winamp 1.40bAug 28, 1997190.75 KB
Winamp 1.45Sep 6, 1997219.50 KB
Winamp 1.50 beta 2Sep 18, 1997226.50 KB
Winamp 1.50 bSep 17, 1997226.50 KB
Winamp 1.50Sep 19, 1997232.50 KB
Winamp 1.51Sep 24, 1997234.00 KB
Winamp 1.52.666Sep 26, 1997204.43 KB
Winamp 1.54Sep 30, 1997234.00 KB
Winamp 1.55Oct 7, 1997244.00 KB
Winamp 1.60bDec 6, 1997391.00 KB
Winamp 1.60Dec 11, 1997267.50 KB
Winamp 1.61Dec 21, 1997271.00 KB
Winamp 1.62Dec 25, 1997271.00 KB
Winamp 1.63Dec 26, 1997271.00 KB
Winamp 1.64Dec 27, 1997271.00 KB
Winamp 1.69Jan 20, 1998292.00 KB
Winamp 1.70Jan 20, 1998292.50 KB
Winamp 1.72Feb 9, 1998293.50 KB
Winamp 1.73Feb 10, 1998293.50 KB
Winamp 1.80Mar 10, 1998301.00 KB
Winamp 1.81Mar 17, 1998297.00 KB
Winamp 1.82Mar 24, 1998297.50 KB
Winamp 1.90Mar 31, 1998416.50 KB
Winamp 1.91 sp1May 23, 1998578.00 KB
Winamp 1.91May 20, 1998577.50 KB
Winamp 1.92 sp1Aug 15, 1998587.50 KB
Winamp 1.92Jun 27, 1998415.00 KB
Winamp 1.666Jan 14, 1998290.00 KB
Winamp 1.9978Jul 26, 1998207.36 KB
Winamp 2.00Sep 8, 1998504.00 KB
Winamp 2.01Sep 24, 1998488.00 KB
Winamp 2.02Sep 29, 1998523.50 KB
Winamp 2.03 (new)Oct 8, 19983.89 KB
Winamp 2.03Oct 8, 1998494.00 KB
Winamp 2.04Oct 23, 1998508.00 KB
Winamp 2.5d FullSep 28, 19991.82 MB
Winamp 2.5dSep 28, 1999588.00 KB
Winamp 2.5 FullAug 25, 19991.20 MB
Winamp 2.5cAug 27, 1999588.00 KB
Winamp 2.5c FullAug 27, 19991.78 MB
Winamp 2.05Nov 15, 1998517.50 KB
Winamp 2.5Aug 25, 1999588.00 KB
Winamp 2.5e FullOct 4, 19991.82 MB
Winamp 2.5eOct 4, 1999588.00 KB
Winamp 2.06Dec 31, 1998520.00 KB
Winamp 2.6 LiteFeb 14, 2000558.35 KB
Winamp 2.7 beta 6Nov 1, 2000543.82 KB
Winamp 2.7 beta 7Nov 3, 2000544.20 KB
Winamp 2.7 RC 1Nov 4, 2000604.50 KB
Winamp 2.7 RC 2Nov 5, 2000703.11 KB
Winamp 2.7 RC 3Nov 7, 2000707.19 KB
Winamp 2.7 RC 6Nov 9, 2000736.34 KB
Winamp 2.7 LiteNov 15, 2000486.61 KB
Winamp 2.7 StandardNov 15, 2000840.18 KB
Winamp 2.07Jan 2, 1999520.00 KB
Winamp 2.7 FullNov 15, 20002.04 MB
Winamp 2.08Jan 3, 1999520.00 KB
Winamp 2.9 beta FullMar 21, 20032.14 MB
Winamp 2.9 beta StandardMar 21, 20031.46 MB
Winamp 2.9 beta LiteMar 21, 2003529.31 KB
Winamp 2.9 beta 2 FullMar 23, 20032.14 MB
Winamp 2.9 beta 2 LiteMar 23, 2003529.96 KB
Winamp 2.9 beta 2 StandardMar 23, 20031.46 MB
Winamp 2.09Jan 11, 1999476.00 KB
Winamp 2.10Mar 24, 1999540.00 KB
Winamp 2.11Apr 13, 1999608.00 KB
Winamp 2.20May 3, 1999608.00 KB
Winamp 2.21May 12, 1999584.00 KB
Winamp 2.22May 26, 1999632.00 KB
Winamp 2.23Jun 8, 1999648.00 KB
Winamp 2.24 FullJul 12, 19991.16 MB
Winamp 2.24Jul 12, 19991.16 MB
Winamp 2.50Aug 25, 19991.78 MB
Winamp 2.60Add info1.96 MB
Winamp 2.61Add info2.01 MB
Winamp 2.61 basicFeb 29, 2000559.75 KB
Winamp 2.61 FullFeb 29, 20002.01 MB
Winamp 2.62 LiteApr 15, 2000560.26 KB
Winamp 2.62Apr 15, 20002.01 MB
Winamp 2.63Jun 3, 20002.03 MB
Winamp 2.63 LiteJun 3, 2000562.74 KB
Winamp 2.64 LiteJun 8, 2000563.11 KB
Winamp 2.64Jun 8, 20002.03 MB
Winamp 2.65Aug 25, 20002.06 MB
Winamp 2.65 LiteAug 25, 2000563.45 KB
Winamp 2.70Add info2.04 MB
Winamp 2.71 LiteDec 14, 2000480.13 KB
Winamp 2.71Add info2.12 MB
Winamp 2.72Add info2.17 MB
Winamp 2.73 FullMar 12, 20012.16 MB
Winamp 2.73Add info2.16 MB
Winamp 2.74 LiteApr 1, 2001482.10 KB
Winamp 2.74 StandardApr 1, 2001890.70 KB
Winamp 2.74 FullApr 1, 20012.15 MB
Winamp 2.74Add info2.15 MB
Winamp 2.75 StandardApr 30, 20010.89 MB
Winamp 2.75 LiteJun 5, 2001486.29 KB
Winamp 2.75Add info2.11 MB
Winamp 2.75 FullApr 30, 20012.11 MB
Winamp 2.76 StandardJun 5, 20010.90 MB
Winamp 2.76Add info2.13 MB
Winamp 2.76 LiteJun 5, 2001494.70 KB
Winamp 2.76 FullJun 5, 20012.13 MB
Winamp 2.77 StandardOct 3, 20010.95 MB
Winamp 2.77Add info1.66 MB
Winamp 2.77 LiteOct 3, 2001515.95 KB
Winamp 2.77 FullOct 3, 20011.66 MB
Winamp 2.78 StandardNov 25, 20011.13 MB
Winamp 2.78 LiteNov 25, 2001502.21 KB
Winamp 2.78 FullNov 25, 20011.83 MB
Winamp 2.78Add info1.83 MB
Winamp 2.79 StandardMar 20, 20021.13 MB
Winamp 2.79Add info1.84 MB
Winamp 2.79 LiteMar 20, 2002513.11 KB
Winamp 2.79 FullMar 20, 20021.84 MB
Winamp 2.80 StandardApr 23, 20021.22 MB
Winamp 2.80 LiteApr 23, 2002531.09 KB
Winamp 2.80Add info1.93 MB
Winamp 2.80 FullApr 23, 20021.93 MB
Winamp 2.81 StandardAug 21, 20021.13 MB
Winamp 2.81Add info1.72 MB
Winamp 2.81 LiteAug 21, 2002496.03 KB
Winamp 2.81 FullAug 21, 20021.72 MB
Winamp 2.90 FullApr 1, 20032.17 MB
Winamp 2.90 StandardApr 1, 20031.49 MB
Winamp 2.90 LiteApr 1, 2003555.67 KB
Winamp 2.91 StandardApr 16, 20031.62 MB
Winamp 2.91 LiteApr 16, 2003623.30 KB
Winamp 2.91 FullApr 16, 20032.21 MB
Winamp 2.091Jan 15, 1999476.00 KB
Winamp 2.91Add info2.21 MB
Winamp 2.92 beta LiteJun 10, 2003691.39 KB
Winamp 2.92 beta StandardJun 10, 20031.74 MB
Winamp 2.92 beta FullJun 10, 20032.33 MB
Winamp 2.92Jun 14, 20032.33 MB
Winamp 2.95 RC StandardJun 24, 20031.77 MB
Winamp 2.95 RC LiteJun 24, 2003691.63 KB
Winamp 2.95 RC FullJun 24, 20032.36 MB
Winamp 2.95Add info2.36 MB
Winamp 2.666 FullOct 25, 20002.10 MB
Winamp 2.666Add info2.10 MB
Winamp 2.666 LiteOct 25, 2000485.87 KB
Winamp 2.666 StandardOct 25, 20000.88 MB
Winamp 3.0 beta 1Oct 9, 20011.30 MB
Winamp 3.0 beta 2.5Dec 18, 20011.30 MB
Winamp 3.0 beta 2Nov 28, 20011.27 MB
Winamp 3.0 beta 3Feb 8, 20021.61 MB
Winamp 3.0 RC 2Jun 25, 20023.81 MB
Winamp 3.0Aug 7, 20023.31 MB
Winamp 3.0 alpha 8 rAug 24, 20011.31 MB
Winamp 3.0 alpha 1Jan 26, 20013.99 MB
Winamp 3.0 alpha 2Jan 27, 20014.01 MB
Winamp 3.0 alpha 8Aug 22, 20011.30 MB
Winamp 3 0-FullAug 7, 20023.35 MB
Winamp 3.0 Build 488dFeb 25, 20033.12 MB
Winamp 3.0 Build 491Nov 12, 20022.95 MB
Winamp 5.0 beta FullOct 14, 20034.59 MB
Winamp 5.0 beta 2 FullNov 2, 20034.64 MB
Winamp 5.0 beta 4 FullNov 30, 20034.01 MB
Winamp 5.0 RC 2 FullNov 17, 20033.99 MB
Winamp 5.0 RC 8 LiteNov 19, 20034.02 MB
Winamp 5.0 RC 666 FullDec 10, 20034.00 MB
Winamp 5.0 RC 666 LiteDec 10, 2003653.98 KB
Winamp 5.0Dec 14, 20034.01 MB
Winamp 5.0 alpha1Aug 28, 20034.23 MB
Winamp 5.0 FullDec 14, 20034.01 MB
Winamp 5.0 LiteDec 14, 2003654.20 KB
Winamp 5.1Add info5.94 MB
Winamp 5.1 FullSep 1, 20055.94 MB
Winamp 5.1 LiteSep 1, 20050.98 MB
Winamp 5.1 Full (Bundle)Sep 1, 200514.19 MB
Winamp 5.01 FullDec 19, 20034.03 MB
Winamp 5.01Add info4.03 MB
Winamp 5.01 LiteDec 19, 2003653.94 KB
Winamp 5.2 0393 beta StandardJan 30, 20064.18 MB
Winamp 5.2 0449 beta FullFeb 16, 20065.38 MB
Winamp 5.2 0449 beta StandardFeb 16, 20064.16 MB
Winamp 5.2 Full Beta 359Add info5.28 MB
Winamp 5.2 Full Beta 365Add info5.28 MB
Winamp 5.2 Full Beta 427Add info5.40 MB
Winamp 5.2 FullFeb 23, 20065.31 MB
Winamp 5.2 0449Feb 16, 20061.10 MB
Winamp 5.2 Full (Bundle)Feb 23, 20065.38 MB
Winamp 5.2 StandardFeb 23, 20064.09 MB
Winamp 5.2 LiteMar 10, 20061.03 MB
Winamp 5.02 LiteFeb 4, 2004673.68 KB
Winamp 5.02 FullFeb 4, 20044.18 MB
Winamp 5.2Add info5.31 MB
Winamp 5.2 0393Jan 30, 20061.06 MB
Winamp 5.02Add info4.18 MB
Winamp 5.2 Build 469 StandardFeb 21, 20064.09 MB
Winamp 5.2 Build 469Feb 21, 20061.03 MB
Winamp 5.2 Build 469 FullFeb 21, 20065.31 MB
Winamp 5.3 FullAdd info6.13 MB
Winamp 5.03Add info4.20 MB
Winamp 5.03 FullMar 24, 20044.20 MB
Winamp 5.03 LiteMar 24, 2004629.52 KB
Winamp 5.04 FullJul 28, 20044.35 MB
Winamp 5.04 LiteJul 28, 2004736.17 KB
Winamp 5.04Add info4.35 MB
Winamp 5.5 Full Beta 1550Add info7.22 MB
Winamp 5.5 Full Beta 1568Add info7.26 MB
Winamp 5.5 Full Beta 1600Add info7.32 MB
Winamp 5.5 FullAdd info8.06 MB
Winamp 5.5Oct 9, 20078.06 MB
Winamp 5.05Add info4.35 MB
Winamp 5.05 FullAug 27, 20044.35 MB
Winamp 5.05 LiteAug 27, 2004738.77 KB
Winamp 5.06Add info4.36 MB
Winamp 5.06 FullNov 18, 20044.36 MB
Winamp 5.06 LiteNov 18, 2004740.37 KB
Winamp 5.6Nov 30, 201011.17 MB
Winamp 5.6.01Dec 7, 201011.17 MB
Winamp 25, 201115.76 MB
Winamp 5.07 LiteDec 2, 2004740.54 KB
Winamp 5.07 FullDec 2, 20044.36 MB
Winamp 5.07Add info4.36 MB
Winamp 5.08c FullAdd info4.44 MB
Winamp 5.08e FullJan 19, 20054.37 MB
Winamp 5.08d FullJan 18, 20054.37 MB
Winamp 5.08 LiteDec 22, 2004742.16 KB
Winamp 5.08 FullDec 22, 20044.37 MB
Winamp 5.08Dec 22, 20044.37 MB
Winamp 5.09Add info4.57 MB
Winamp 5.09 FullMay 3, 20054.61 MB
Winamp 5.09 LiteMay 3, 2005839.44 KB
Winamp 5.11 FullOct 20, 20055.80 MB
Winamp 5.11 Full (Bundle)Oct 20, 200511.62 MB
Winamp 5.11 LiteOct 20, 20050.91 MB
Winamp 5.11.1 LiteOct 26, 20050.91 MB
Winamp 5.11.2 LiteNov 15, 20050.92 MB
Winamp 5.12 FullDec 9, 20055.20 MB
Winamp 5.12 LiteDec 9, 2005874.80 KB
Winamp 5.12 Full (Bundle)Dec 9, 20055.27 MB
Winamp 5.13 Full (Bundle)Jan 30, 20065.27 MB
Winamp 5.13 FullJan 30, 20065.20 MB
Winamp 5.13 LiteJan 30, 2006875.07 KB
Winamp 5.13Add info5.20 MB
Winamp 5.21 StandardMar 10, 20064.10 MB
Winamp 5.21 FullMar 10, 20065.28 MB
Winamp 5.21Add info5.28 MB
Winamp 5.21 Full (Bundle)Mar 10, 20068.21 MB
Winamp 5.21 LiteMar 10, 20061.04 MB
Winamp 5.22 FullAdd info5.80 MB
Winamp 5.23 Full Beta 666Add info5.89 MB
Winamp 5.23 FullAdd info5.84 MB
Winamp 5.23 LiteJun 8, 20061.22 MB
Winamp 5.23 Full (Bundle)Jun 8, 20068.26 MB
Winamp 5.23 StandardJun 8, 20065.92 MB
Winamp 5.24Add info4.60 MB
Winamp 5.24 LiteJun 21, 20061.22 MB
Winamp 5.24 StandardJun 21, 20065.92 MB
Winamp 5.24 Full (Bundle)Jun 21, 20068.26 MB
Winamp 5.24 FullAdd info5.84 MB
Winamp 5.25 Full Beta 787Add info5.40 MB
Winamp 5.25 Full Beta 801Add info5.41 MB
Winamp 5.25 Full Beta 812Add info5.41 MB
Winamp 5.25 Full Beta 825Add info5.41 MB
Winamp 5.25 Full Beta 834Add info5.42 MB
Winamp 5.25 Full Beta 843Add info5.49 MB
Winamp 5.25 Full Beta 857Add info5.61 MB
Winamp 5.25 Full Beta 868Add info5.61 MB
Winamp 5.25Aug 29, 20065.61 MB
Winamp 5.30Sep 26, 20066.13 MB
Winamp 5.31 FullAdd info6.24 MB
Winamp 5.32 FullAdd info6.26 MB
Winamp 5.32Nov 21, 20066.26 MB
Winamp 5.33 Full Beta 1079Add info6.04 MB
Winamp 5.33Feb 13, 20076.41 MB
Winamp 5.33 FullAdd info6.41 MB
Winamp 5.34 Full Beta 1155Add info6.63 MB
Winamp 5.34 Full Beta 1178Add info6.62 MB
Winamp 5.34 Full Beta 1195Add info6.62 MB
Winamp 5.34 Full Beta 1239Add info6.63 MB
Winamp 5.34Apr 25, 20076.44 MB
Winamp 5.34 FullAdd info6.44 MB
Winamp 5.34.1278 FullAdd info6.44 MB
Winamp 5.35 FullAdd info5.93 MB
Winamp 5.35May 15, 20075.93 MB
Winamp 5.36 Full Beta 1500Add info7.01 MB
Winamp 5.36 Full Beta 1504Add info7.01 MB
Winamp 5.51 Full Beta 1741Add info8.14 MB
Winamp 5.51Dec 22, 20078.35 MB
Winamp 5.51 FullAdd info8.35 MB
Winamp 5.52 FullAdd info8.30 MB
Winamp 5.53 Full Beta 1898Add info8.59 MB
Winamp 5.53 FullAdd info8.57 MB
Winamp 5.54 Full Beta 2124Add info8.66 MB
Winamp 5.54 FullAdd info8.61 MB
Winamp 5.55 Full Beta 2345Add info9.21 MB
Winamp 5.55 Full Beta 2353Add info9.21 MB
Winamp 5.55 (Bundle)Feb 25, 200915.04 MB
Winamp 5.55 (Full)Feb 25, 20099.44 MB
Winamp 5.56 (Full)Jul 1, 20099.80 MB
Winamp 5.56 (Bundle)Jul 1, 200913.08 MB
Winamp 5.57 Full Beta 2765Add info10.34 MB
Winamp 5.57Dec 17, 200910.33 MB
Winamp 5.57 FullAdd info10.33 MB
Winamp 5.57.2Jan 12, 201010.30 MB
Winamp 5.58 FullAdd info10.76 MB
Winamp 5.58Jun 30, 201010.76 MB
Winamp 5.59 Full Beta 3033Add info15.06 MB
Winamp 5.60 FullAdd info15.06 MB
Winamp 5.61 FullAdd info15.33 MB
Winamp 5.61Mar 17, 201111.42 MB
Winamp 5.62 FullAdd info15.77 MB
Winamp 5.62Jul 1, 201111.81 MB
Winamp 5.63Jun 22, 201211.76 MB
Winamp 5.63 FullAdd info16.53 MB
Winamp 5.63 Build 3235Jun 28, 201216.29 MB
Winamp 5.091 LiteMay 16, 2005820.41 KB
Winamp 5.091 FullMay 16, 20054.78 MB
Winamp 5.092 LiteMay 25, 2005820.41 KB
Winamp 5.092 FullMay 25, 20054.80 MB
Winamp 5.093 FullJun 13, 20054.88 MB
Winamp 5.093 LiteJun 13, 2005867.39 KB
Winamp 5.094 FullJul 18, 20054.87 MB
Winamp 5.094 LiteJul 18, 2005898.67 KB
Winamp 5.111 FullOct 26, 20055.73 MB
Winamp 5.111Add info5.73 MB
Winamp 5.112 FullAdd info5.73 MB
Winamp 5.112Add info5.73 MB
Winamp 5.261Jul 11, 201115.77 MB
Winamp 5.531Apr 1, 20088.57 MB
Winamp 5.531 FullAdd info8.57 MB
Winamp 5.541Aug 3, 20085.09 MB
Winamp 5.541 FullAdd info8.57 MB
Winamp 5.551 FullAdd info9.45 MB
Winamp 5.552 FullAdd info9.46 MB
Winamp 5.571 FullAdd info10.33 MB
Winamp 5.572 FullAdd info10.30 MB
Winamp 5.581 FullAdd info10.76 MB
Winamp 5.601 FullAdd info15.07 MB
Winamp 5.601 Build 3091Add info14.92 MB
Winamp 5.621Jul 11, 201111.81 MB
Winamp 5.621 FullAdd info15.77 MB
Winamp 5.622Dec 1, 201115.76 MB
Winamp 5.622 FullNov 16, 201115.77 MB

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Winamp Description

Winamp plays MPEG Layer 2 (MP2) and Layer 3 (MP3) audio streams and combines extensive functionality with an intuitive interface. Winamp has a full-featured playlist editor and a 10-band graphic equalizer with user-definable presets that can automatically load specific files.
The first major update of Winamp was Winamp3. It had video support, new skinning system, and a redesign of the plug-in system. Unfortunately, it was poorly received and widely criticized. To fix this embarrassment, Nullsoft decided to integrate Winamp3 skin and script support into the Winamp 2.x platform. Thus, Winamp 2 plus Winamp3 equals Winamp5 (released December 16, 2003). Upon release of Winamp5, Winamp3 was spun off as the Wasabi.player, an open-source equivalent to Nullsoft's Winamp. Wasabi is a mostly open-source (zlib-licensed), cross-platform application framework and skinnable GUI toolkit, developed by Nullsoft.
New features in Winamp 5.0 include support for classic Winamp 1.x/2.x/2.9x skins and Winamp 3 ('Modern') skins, vastly more powerful media library, CD ripping support (AAC@2x in free version, MP3 at unlimited speeds in pro), CD burning support (limited to 2x in free version), advanced title formatting logic for file types that support it, huge AVS updates, support for playback of AAC and VP6 in NSV files/streams, global hotkey support, new Signal Processing Studio DSP plug-in, options to disable plugin exception handling for developers, new Winamp icon, added XP Manifest.xml to winamp.exe, made agent icon use configured winamp system tray icon, optimized winamp's load titles on demand logic, made faster, made winamp's internal submenu management more reliable, added skin font override preferences, and added spacebar shows current playlist item in playlist editor.
Check out our blog piece on the history of Winamp.
Pros: Free and very simple to use, fast compression and decompression of files.
Cons: Doesn

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