Dogecoin Core

Update February 28, 2021:Dogecoin Core 1.14.3 has been released and significantly improves the synchronization speed. The method described in the original post below is no longer be necessary.

  1. Dogecoin Core 1.14.3
  2. Dogecoin Core Slow Sync
  3. Dogecoin Core Wallet
  4. Dogecoin Core Port
  5. Dogecoin Core Bootstrap

This article assumes that you have backed up your wallet and updated to the most recent version of Dogecoin Core (currently 1.14.2).

At the time of writing, you can get a torrent here which contains blocks until January 29, 2021. Note that it is not a single Bootstrap.dat file, instead it contains the blocks and chainstate directory.

You can find further information on the Dogecoin Discord (in the FAQ section), the Dogecoin Core GitHub and the Dogecoin subreddit.

In fact, the Dogecoin Core wallet makes it a snap. You can choose to not encrypt your wallet, of course, but you’ll leave yourself open to thievery from unsavory types if they get a hold of your computer or otherwise obtain a copy of your wallet backup file. DOGE shares the same algorithm with Litecoin – Scrypt. It was a result of a Bitcoin’s SHA-256 hard fork. It appears to be quicker and more efficient. The Dogecoin mining block time is around a minute and the network difficulty is way smaller in comparison to Litecoin (2.5mins block time).

Once synchronized, consider forwarding port 22556 to help the network. This should give you over a hundred connections instead of the usual 8:

This will, of course, create significant network activity as can be seen in Dogecoin Core under Help > Debug window > Network traffic. This is my traffic from just two days:

Interested in buying or selling Dogecoin? Take a look at Binance (affiliate link) , Bitpanda (affliate link) or (affiliate link).

Edit: My Dogecoin wallet on a PC that was running 24/7 still went out of sync multiple times:

Let’s not forget that Dogecoin was created as a joke.

Edit 2: I do not recommend using the full node wallet (version 1.14.2) if you’re just getting started with Dogecoin. Consider using a simple mobile wallet like Trust Wallet.

One of the most talked about cryptocurrencies on the internet, Dogecoin (DOGE) was created as a joke, to tip users for their content on different social media and sharing sites. The best and most profitable way to currently mine the coin is with Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) miners plus a pool membership. Let’s summarize the basics of what you will need, in order to start mining for DOGE coins: …more

  • Hardware – the best ones are ASICs
  • Mining Pool – we will show you a comparison of the top ones
  • Software configurations

We also want to show you how to mine Dogecoin through a third party, also known as cloud mining. More on that you will find in the cloud mining paragraph later on in the article. Let’s get started.

Why You Should Mine Dogecoin?

Dogecoin transactions are fast and the payout time of the pools is every 24 hours. The quick payout along with DOGE’s stable gains, makes mining it very profitable, efficient and desirable. We believe that this with the addition of the many open markets, where you can buy and trade the cryptocurrency, is beneficial enough to convince you to make Dogecoin part of your daily incomes.

What’s the Best Way to Mine the Dogecoin?

Asking yourself what would be the best way to mine DOGE? Well, we’ve done the research for you and here is what we’ve found. First things first, you need an ASIC miner, like Antminer L3++, because DOGE is based on the Scrypt algorithm and the best way to mine such coins is with ASICs. Next comes the question how to actually mine it? Your best and most profitable option is to join a pool. This means, that you and other participants are combining hashing power to solve a block’s equations. When the hash is boosted, the time for solving the block is significantly lowered, especially if you compare it to the months and years it would take to mine a block solo. Now let’s see what you need in the first place.

What do You Need to Start Mining Dogecoin?

These are the minimum requirements to start mining, that you should review before you set up your equipment. It’s best if you have unlimited internet connection, however, if your data is capped, consider having at least 500MB per device per day. You will need a wallet to store, send and receive all your mined coins. You can use the official free core wallet of Dogecoin or to take advantage of a multi-coin one.

Let’s summarize:

  • Best DOGE mining hardware – ASIC miner
  • Reliable internet connection
  • Proper power draw estimation
  • Crypto wallet to collect your mining earnings

What Else to Consider Before Start Mining

There are several additional obstacles, that you might meet when setting up your Dogecoin mining gear. You need to check and ensure, that your electrical system has enough power capacity to maintain the load of your machines. The construction is planned to work 24h, 7 days a week. It will generate a certain level of heat, which has to be reduced, if you want to preserve the rigs, and most importantly maintain the mining process. The overheating of the machines can also cause them to become very noisy. In our planning/setup guide, we specify different approaches and methods to deal with all kinds of issues that might come up. We should also add here that it would be good if your latency is lower. This will increase your chances of getting the block reward in case you and another miner send your results at the same time.

Which Mining Hardware to buy?

Since ASIC mining was officially released for Scrypt algorithm last year, there is no other more efficient way for Dogecoin mining. Let’s take a peek at the grid below, we have prepared a list with the best options on the market up to this date.

Recommended Dogecoin Mining HardwareBW L21 Scrypt Miner
  • 550 MH/s, 950W
Bitmain Antminer L3++
  • 596 MH/s, 1050W
Innosilicon A2 Terminator
  • 110 MH/s, 965~1050W

We think the answer is obvious. Bitmain Antminer L3++ is the best machine on the market to this day. Have a look at the stats, Antminer L3++ provides unique balance between Hash power, electrical consumption and price. As you see BW L21 has less hash rate and smaller consumption per hour, but the price is three times the one of Antminer L3.

Setup Hardware and Software / Configuration

Since DOGE is minable with Asics, you don’t have to download, install and configure a difficult software anymore. Now ASICs are coming with integrated software and you only need to configure it and its all set and ready to work. How about we show you now the steps of setting your miner in action:

  • Step 1. Connect your hardware to electricity and internet

    The first step is to connect your ASIC to the power supply, the connectors are the same but be sure that every plug is inserted. You need to connect the PSU to the power grid and plug the Lan cable into the network port of the miner.

  • Step 2. Choose a DOGE mining pool

    After you pick a pool, have in mind the pool fee, its rewarding system and payment methods. You can find below a list of the top Dogecoin pools.


    Average fee:1%


    Average fee:0.9%

    Average fee:0.25%

    You can visit our mining pools page to learn more about pools, fees and reward systems.

    Right after you choose a pool you want to join, you can set up your workers in the pool webpage if it’s required.

  • Step 3. Find the IP Address

    If you have access to your router, you can open up the interface and search the DHCP client list table to find the miner’s IP address. You can identify it by the hostname “Antminer”.

    If you cannot do it this way, another option would be to download the IP reporter software from the device manufacturer’s website. After unzipping the file, open the program and you will see the following window, where you should click “START”.

    After you hold the button marked “IP Reporter” on the ASIC device, you will see a pop-up on the computer with the IP address of the machine. (remember that you should be in the same local network to use this method)

  • Step 4. Login the Web Interface of the Miner

    And now, since you have your miners IP, the next step is to enter the IP address at your browser. A dialog box will appear automatically, so you can log in. By default, the login credentials are both “root”. Consult your user manual if needed.

  • Step 5. Enter the Mining pool information

    After you are logged in to your miner configuration or so-called general settings you should enter the pools’ addresses which you can obtain from the pools’ websites. Filling all 3 functions will guarantee you continuous mining process even if one of them is not responding. The miner will automatically switch to the next one.

    For our example we will use a configuration for

    Pool 1 – URL: stratum+tcp://

    Worker: YourWalletAddress

    Password: -p c=DOGE,mc=DOGE

    Your configuration should look like this:

    Failure to set payout coin may result in your payments being sent through the wrong coin.

  • Step 6. Click Save & Apply

    In a few minutes check the status of your miner. If you see the hashrate it means that the ASIC is working properly.

Dogecoin Cloud Mining

Dogecoin Core 1.14.3

So, you are not really interested in the technical stuff or the high electricity bills? In this case we recommend you consider Cloud Mining.

Cloud mining for DOGE is basically paying a middle man to do all the hard work for you. You can sign a contract for a set period of time, depending on what the different platforms offer. Make sure to check all their fees (both for withdrawal and maintenance). Some contractors offer several months free use, but after that they start to charge you. Make sure you are completely aware of the conditions. Reputation is also an important thing to consider in your research. Recommendable are HashFlare and Hashing24. Check some more info in the dedicated cloud mining page.

Dogecoin Calculator

Dogecoin Core

The Dogecoin profit calculator is for you to use whenever you want to check the earnings you can get from mining the coin. The tool is very user-friendly – all you need to do is fill in several grids with information of your hash rate, the electrical consumption of your device, the electricity cost at your location, and the pool fee. Right after you click “calculate” you will see an output grid in front of you.

In case you are looking to estimate your cloud mining profitability, you need to input even less information – just the hash rate and pool fee. Keep in mind that you will have subscription fee as part of your cloud mining contract. Remember to check if your mining income can cover the overall subscription costs. Using the Dogecoin mining calculator, you can estimate your profit for a day, week, month and even years.

Dogecoin Core Slow Sync

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: Bear in mind that these results are based on the current network difficulty, block reward and coin price, those values are changing constantly. The results shown are estimation of your profit only for that moment, tomorrow they could be different.


How long does it take to mine 1 DOGE?

If using, for example BW L21 Scrypt Miner with 550 MH/s, it will take you less than 1 hour to mine 1 DOGE coin.

How much you can mine in one day?

You can use the mining calculator from above to calculate a rough estimate of what you can make on a daily basis

Is it worth mining it?

If the money you make from mining cover your overall mining costs, then yes, mining Dogecoin will be worth it.

When is the last coin going to be mined?

There is no limit to the supply of DOGE, so there is no way to estimate when the last coin will be mined.

Is it legal to mine Dogecoin?

Generally, yes, but it mostly depends on your location. There are different regulations for Dogecoin mining, depending on the country you are in. Some countries like the USA, Russia and Canada support everything crypto-related. Places like Bolivia, Ecuador, Morocco, Algeria, Vietnam, Nepal and several more have banned trading and mining cryptocurrencies.

About Dogecoin

With its great market cap, Dogecoin (DOGE) is one of the most popular coins. With the hopes of creating a cryptocurrency that would be fun and easily accessible, Billy Markus from Portland, Oregon, decided to create the coin. At the same time Jackson Palmer who was working for Adobe Systems in Sydney, was challenged on Twitter by a student to realize the idea. Next, he bought the domain He proceeded to add a splash screen and text. After hearing that, Markus reached out to Palmer and they created Dogecoin which was based on Luckycoin (which was based on Litecoin), using the Scrypt hashing algorithm. DOGE was officially released on December 6th, 2013 and it became a sensation. From the witty ideas behind the coin, to the mascot being a Shiba Inu, which is already a well-known internet sensation, Dogecoin brings opportunities to make a good profit.

Dogecoin Team

Dogecoin was created by Billy Marcus and released with the help of Jackson Palmer. The team behind it are working hard to make the coin more accessible and interesting to the user, so it can reach even more people than Bitcoin. The community are close and always ready to help with any enquiries you might have. They are also famous for their fundraisers and have created The Dogecoin Foundation, dedicated to encouraging people to use Dogecoin for charitable projects.

Dogecoin hashing algorithm

Dogecoin Core Wallet

DOGE shares the same algorithm with Litecoin – Scrypt. It was a result of a Bitcoin’s SHA-256 hard fork. It appears to be quicker and more efficient. The Dogecoin mining block time is around a minute and the network difficulty is way smaller in comparison to Litecoin (2.5mins block time) or Bitcoin (10mins block time). Another great fact about DOGE is that you can mine it altogether with Litecoin, which is a stable coin with significant role on the cryptocurrency market. Mining them both at the same time could only increase your income.

Dogecoin Core Port


A hard fork in Dogecoin is inevitably coming in the future. After the announcement that DOGE became a test asset for a new coin project of the Ethereum network, called Rinkeby, a stir in the crypto sphere followed. It is expected for a cryptocurrency called Dogethereum (DOGX) to separate from the original chain of Dogecoin later in 2018. This will be the first hard fork in the history of DOGE. The whole idea is to create an altcoin that can achieve even greater speeds of transactions and use Ethereum based smart contracts. This sheds a new light on Dogecoin in front of users and investors.

Dogecoin Core Bootstrap
